it's time to

find Your


It's time to release your brakes!


Courses & Coaching

For High Achievers, Conscious Entrepreneurs and Leaders, Life Coaches and Lightworkers ready for advanced manifesting. You can now learn how to Manifest Without Fail. Because we provide a rare system that addresses the three aspects of holistic manifesting, taking you from a relatively weak manifesting state of being FRAGMENTED, and on to a powerful state of being CONNECTED, EMBODIED, and GROUNDED. We call it Emergent Manifesting. We think ‘way out of the box’ more than anyone else, to the realm of massively transformational results and quantum leaps forward. We make you self-aware and construct-aware, expanding your self-view and world-view, so you can become self-actualised and unitive. 

Emergent Manifesting is bringing one’s desires and intentions into reality by aligning their entire Being with the energy of the Universe. CONNECTED, EMBODIED and GROUNDED. By understanding our true nature, our relationship with ourselves and the energies of the Universe, and learning how to use those energies, we can manifest our dreams and desires. Emergence is the process by which complex systems and patterns arise out of an assortment of relatively simple interactions. It is an important concept in fields such as artificial intelligence, computer science, economics, psychology, philosophy, biology, sociology, and other disciplines. Emergent properties are seen only at the system level and cannot be understood by individual components. These properties can be unexpected and offer new insights into how the system works and behaves. Emergence is a powerful force that gives rise to unexpected and wondrous outcomes. It can lead to creative solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems and inspire us to look at our world differently. Emergence has been described as “the magic of the universe,” It can be a source of immense joy, surprise, and delight. Emergent phenomena can be awe-inspiring, allowing us to discover something new and unexpected daily. With emergence, anything is possible. It gives us the potential to transform our lives and world. And when we factor in Emergence in our Manifesting, everything falls into place.

I’d like you to imagine Emergent Manifesting as a type of garden. In the same way that complex structures, patterns and beautiful blooms arise from a collection of simpler components such as soil, water, sunlight and seeds in a garden, we can also create our desired outcomes through Emergent Manifesting by aligning ourselves with the energy of the Universe. Just like creating lush gardens requires careful attention to detail, consistent care and nurturing over time, so does manifesting require dedication to understanding our true nature and relationship with the energies of the Universe. By doing this work mindfully, we are able to cultivate our reality according to what is most important to us.

BE. Do. Have. That is the formula for manifesting. Simple, but not always easy. Watch this...

We Believe...

We believe that humans are powerful beyond measure, that deep within us all there dwells slumbering powers; powers that would astonish us, powers we never dreamed we possessed, forces that would revolutionize our lives and our home planet if aroused and put into action.

The problem is nobody ever teaches us What We Really are, and how the world really works. And how value, abundance, money, and wealth are made outside of the old industrial model of limited understanding. We believe that the traditional education and employment path is fundamentally broken, and we are here to play our part in fixing it. With the right wisdom applied, we can live our dreams and transform the lives of others and our home planet.

We also believe that entrepreneurs change the world. Furthermore, there is a new breed of entrepreneurs that’s a Force for Good, you and I. And together, with each following our unique Calling, we can herald a better world, a New Earth in a New Energy, a sustainable, thriving, and magnificent future for all humankind.

We are the ones we have been waiting for. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where? We are the ones who will break the chains. We are the High Achievers, Conscious Entrepreneurs and Leaders, Life Coaches and Lightworkers, in a new paradigm. People who actively cultivate self-awareness and personal growth, in touch with ourselves and our home planet Earth, are willing to look both inward and outward to achieve outstanding results for all humanity and Mother Earth.

Applying the new professional superpower of body, mind, and spirit. When the three become one, all things are possible.

Together... Let us imagine A New Earth, In A New Energy

About David

A creative consultant on The Secret (2006) documentary, David Cameron Gikandi is an entrepreneur and manifesting coach and consultant for high achievers, conscious entrepreneurs and leaders, life coaches and lightworkers who are looking to create more impact in their lives. He also helps them decode their essence so they can bring that into their lives, businesses, tribes, and societies. He is also the author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money and other publications. David is also a futurist interested in blockchain technology which he believes will have wide-ranging applications including decentralized finance (DeFi). He holds a BSc. in International Business, an MSc. in Information Technology, a Dip. in Film Production, is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, and a Blockchain Revolution in Financial Services Specialization from INSEAD.


Your time?

The book tied everything together for me

...For some reason, I went back to 'The Secret' and was led to Bob Doyle's book, 'Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power'. I found that book to carry significant meaning but I also read where he gave you and your book 'A Happy Pocket Full of Money' credit for his inspirations/turn around/etc. So, there we go. That is how I got to you and this phenomenal little book. Anyway, I was expecting to get through your book in a few days. What I found simply remarkable was that I couldn't do this. I would read maybe a dozen pages and had to put it down. Every time I read a paragraph, I began to piece everything together that I have read over twenty years. Let me rephrase that. You were piecing it together for me and I was absorbing it. For me, this was not about money. It was about understanding. This is one of the only times I can say that finally someone has pieced it together, at least for now, based on what we know. It brings the messages from books like the Kybalion and the Bible into a perspective and the power of affirmations and thought and positive thinking and the need to know who we are. It is beyond commercial. The thought behind each expression in the book is probably not appreciated by as many as it should be.... I have never come across a book where each word cannot probably be appreciated as it should and that, is no joke! ... I am still amazed on the total composition... It's love, vibrations, energy, feelings, intuition, thought, duality, faith and many other concepts blended into a very phenomenal little book. ...Your book however is so much more than 'happy' and 'money'. And, I'm so glad I have found that out... David, you have captured the meaning of LIFE, but more importantly, you have explained it in such a way where it can be understood by people of almost any faith. It explains the soul/spirit/intellect that we are a part of and provides an understanding of why we are an appendage to a fulfilling web woven from love and to the benefit of others as well as ourselves. It encourages you to listen rather than ignore and process at a level beyond what we understand today. This process then allows us to act and speak with mindfulness that moves the continuum forward. ...The book tied everything together for me. It brought all the messages I have been reading from the Kybalion, the Bible, positive thinking, affirmation, law of attraction, duality, cause and effect, vibrations, energy, intellect together. It gave me confirmation that I was on the right path to understanding. It gave me more reason to love and less reason to judge. It told me there is a reason for existence. It gave explanation to failure or untimely circumstances or misfortunes. It makes me feel more aware and how important it is to be in charge of my thought process. I think the most under rated skill is one where we can maintain our awareness of our thoughts and it is the most difficult to master, if that is possible. Certainly, just getting better at it, gives you a feeling of strength and hope and then hope becomes belief, faith and certainty. ...When I read your book, I was almost feeling each word and sentence as an expression of thought. I was not reading words, it was an experience. I was learning or reinforcing a new unspeakable language. Your words became my thoughts and I'm not certain many people will experience this the same way to gain the same benefit. ...It was more than knowledge and information. They often say that data becomes information and information is organized into wisdom. It is then wisdom that becomes the basis for our decisions. I guess that is what I am trying to say. For me, it was simple to take the words and transform this into wisdom and understanding. An understanding that now allows me to help decide what our purpose is. Does that make sense? - Michael V. Novinski

The book ‘A Happy Pocket Full of Money’ by David Cameron Gikandi will change your life forever. Although I’ve read dozens of self-help and law of attraction focused books through the years, nothing hit me as deeply as David’s message. He presents a powerful and compelling view of the universe, one in which science and our own thoughts and emotions intersect at the deepest levels. ‘A Happy Pocket Full of Money’ satisfied my hunger for scientific knowledge and perspective, while also blending in a metaphysical, intuitive and spiritually connected understanding about how our lives and the reality that we live in, operates. Thank you David for presenting this master work. There is nothing quite like it on the market today. You have provided an enormous service of incalculable worth to thousands of people in putting this information out there. You have expanded my vision of what is possible in life. Synchronicity abounds, and thanks to you, I now have a clearer direction in channeling my energy, acknowledging what is possible and living my best life. In sincere appreciation, Drew Brania, Toronto, Canada

I just have to tell you that it has ALREADY exceeded expectation! The section on vibrations has ONCE AGAIN made more accessible to me, the information that I already knew at one level, but now have a totally new and powerful level of integration of it. There is real power in your assemblage of words. Your greatest gift is the ability to communicate these concepts in such a powerfully understandable way. My life has had a significant shift within the past 60 minutes by going through a few sections of this software. Anyone who commits to going through the entire program is going to totally change their world, and quickly. Again, it could be that it is so powerful for me because I am already “ahead of the game in some aspects, being very familiar with your earlier work, and ACTIVELY working to design a new reality for myself. Still, its fabulous for the total beginner. David, I am telling you that you have pure gold. – Bob Doyle

Dude, You and all of the wisdom you share is AMAZING! I have been struggling for so many years, and the insights you bring to every newsletter set me straight every time. I have been thinking about writing a book, but honestly you say it all so I think I will stick to writing music and leave the wisdom to you. Thanks a billion, bob – Bob Fowler

I have read all your articles and excerpt of your books and let me tell you I was inspired instantaneously to go up in the direction of my dreams. Now my wealth increases every day. When I feel going down the hill I read your material again and as a consequence of it I regain my power to go ahead again. Your information is simply magic. Thanks a lot. – Pedro Avalos

For a long time i have been on a quest of, shall i call it a self discovery, knowing there is a world that i have not yet began to live in. little did i know it was under my nose. I recently subscribed the images of one newsletter, am addicted to it and enjoying the high it gives me. I have also read some of the ebooks available and they have become a part of my daily undertakings. Such easy to understand, stimulating and sometimes outrageous insights. Kudos to the contributors and gratitude mingi to Dave, jo we ni mnoma, great insight so close to home …… have to get back to my newsletter. – Melvyn Munyua

Almost a year and a half ago I was desperate about my financial situation. At times not being able to afford buying even a hamburger or pizza, and feeling like a prisoner at my tiny shared apartment, I asked God for helped. And boy did He Answer! He led me to read A Happy Pocket Full of Money which literally re-programmed me at the cellular level to start my wealth transformation. As I read each page, it resonated with the Truth within–I knew this was right, and I realized what I was missing. When I came to the part about helping others see this for their lives, it hit me! I would start a training company to help the Hispanic community around the world develop their Wealth Consciousness. As of May 2005 I have started my business for this purpose and I am now conducting seminars in Mexico to achieve this purpose! I am thrilled! Thank you David, thank You Images of One for this amazing service you are doing to our Victor del Rosal – Victor del Rosal

I can truly say, with all of my heart, that I actually look forward to receiving my Images Of One e-mails! You are an absolute angel (genius!)! You have helped me in my efforts to counsel all of my adopted street kids in Hollywood, as well as help me to see things from a different perspective. (Thank you!). I knew about acceptance before, as I have tried to convey to my people that acceptance & love are the keys to enjoying a better life; thanks so much for the Universal Laws article – it only helped in reinforcing my opinion, thereby making me feel as though it was not as crazy as some had said it was. Your efforts and wisdom are very much appreciated and put to good use! May the peace, love, happiness & prosperity of the divinity of our most precious earthly & heavenly angels be with you today, always & forever! Sincerely & Cordially Yours, Princess – Princess Burton

I love what you are doing!! Fantastic!! You have been a great help to me. I have purchased Happy Pocket Full of Money through Bob Doyles site. One of the greatest reads EVER!! …Since that time, December 8th, 2002, a lot has changed. The universe has been delivering all kinds of incredible new insights and direction. So much information that I am having difficulty processing it all. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF INFORMATION RESONATES WITH MY SOUL. Bingo. I was lead to Lynn Grabbhorns book Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting TALK ABOUT RESONATING WITH MY SOUL!! This book unlocked a HUGE door for me. It change my spiritual belief system completely. Authors I have read since this book: Eckhart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks, U.S. Anderson, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Stuart Wilde, yourself, Joe Vitale, Ernest Holmes, and a host of others. I attended a recent Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer seminar and I was blown away!!BLOWN AWAY! Then I came across Bob Doyles site. I do not remember how. I signed up for Wealth Beyond Reason and another flood of dynamite truth came my way. Your book solidified everything [A Happy Pocket Full of Money]. …You are amazing!! You have been a God send to me!! Thank you for the wonderful work you do !!!!! – Bruce R. Royer

I am thankful for having it plus the new job I have that afforded me to pay cash for it. This information is really helping me change my thoughts about myself. – Anon

First of all thank you for my software, I am using it and loving it. Please know, this makes me feel good, that I appreciate you giving it to me, and that I am recommending it to others daily. One friend just bought it a couple days ago, hope this helps and adds unto you,… She loves it also!! … These are like precious jewels to me, they make me feel so good, they are me in Essence, I want to preserve them!!! …I have enlightened myself GREATLY with your shared materials! – Ronda Gillette

I find your work to be nothing short of genius and am truly inspired and will one day want to share this material with other people. I have studied Religious Science and can tell you it is not as easy to understand or as powerful as your work. Thank You. – Nancy Brennan

I love your work. You have made an enormous difference to my live and no doubt hundreds of others and I thank you from the depth of my being. – Alana Sheldon

I just read the Pocket Full of Money … amazed and astounded with the energy of expression. …just the clarity and joy of the truth of old in the language of today. We are grateful. – James

My life has been shifting as of late. (in a good way!!) The Universe has been bringing me all kinds of information that is answering the questions I have been asking for years. Who am I? Why am I here? What do I do? How do I find my true self? How do I override what my ego is saying to me so I can live and act from my true self? I came across your work through Bob Doyles site. Happy Pocket Full of Money has answered all my questions, and more importantly it resonates with my soul. – Bruce Royer

Dave, just another big THANK YOU for the software and book. It is amazing. EVERYTHING I have been studying the past few years you have managed to capture so logically and wisely, anybody that ever crosses your site and for some illogical reason decide not to purchase your products could not do themselves any bigger disfavour, by missing the most concise source of info anywhere on the Net (Planet?) they are going to have to buy many, many different books and spend thousands of dollars just to, ONE DAY, get to maybe 60% of the info they could have had by buying just one (Happy Pocket Full of Money) or some of the other books. You shall seek the Truth and the Truth shall set you free is one of my very favourite quotes and many people totally misunderstand it. I have been studying this field for some time now, and have read many, many books. There are NO other book I have come across that puts the TRUTH in more detail at the fingertips of the reader. JUST READ IT and follow the process, IT DOES WORK! – Jannie Loots

I was recomemended to my new job by my ex-husband. I have been divorced since 1989 but kept trying to understand why I still felt love and compassion after all that took place to distroy the marriage. I did my best to hold on to the good memories and disolve the bad. There were many reasons I could of hated him but somehow I never could. Its taken me many years to see how I created this. I read The Course Of Miracles and that helped me understand. Your information really helps me see it more clearly. I am happy I kept an open relationship in my heart with my ex-husband. It allowed this new job to happen. Also my new boss is a multimillionaire and my job is housekeeping for his parents. They are very kind and sweet and it doesnt even feel like a job. I just mention all this because I know its – Heidi

After reading A Happy Pocket Full of Money, reading I was so impressed that I bought the life and wealth packages as well as the ProvaLife Achiever software. I am not writing this testimonial because I am trying to advertise a website, nor am I writing this because I stand to benefit monetarily from it. If you look at my occupation, I actually have more to lose than gain by going public with my endorsement of these products, as my field of work tends to be conservative. So why am I writing an endorsement? Because the information in Mr. Camerons books are life changing! After going through the material, my realtionships with people in general have improved, I am less frustrated at work, and I have learned to enjoy life again. I am so positive about the future now. But do not take my word for it, download his free ebook samples and check it out for yourselves, you WILL NOT regret it! Thanks David! I wish you the best! (I wish I could write better, but I just can not describe how much this material has changed my outlook on life) – Leandro X Centenera

I have to congratulate you on your genius latest release. The Prova LifeGoals Effortless Achiever+ is pure magic and the accompanying book brilliant. I am at a loss for words to describe my appreciation for the fantastic gift. – Jannie Loots

As a member and publisher I have so greatly benefited from your thought processes that my entire life is changing. I am currently working on a major project. At first I was absolutely unsure of the reason for me as a woman to undertake such great task. Later I read a quote by Margaret Thatcher It may be the cock that crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs, which convinced me marginally. Then your spiritually scientific encouragement changed my life to the degree that I consider myself important enough to actually do it. May you inspire millions with your purpose. – Ina Bliss

First off, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for writing, A Happy Pocket Full of Money… It has changed my life forever! I have always enjoyed reading books on the subject of personal development, and have become enthralled in some of the great ones of all time, such as: The Science of Getting Rich, Think and Grow Rich, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, But your book really inspired me! I can’t describe the feeling that came over me, numerous times, throughout the reading of your book… I guess that was the feeling of living in the Here and Now! – Kent Glass

David, I am so grateful to have found your work (^o^). They are simply priceless! You words are like beacon of light that shine brightly to guide my path. When I was introduced to your work, it felt as though suddenly all my innate knowing had been articulated and translated into words. It was like finding a key to puzzle of life. Thank you David to reminding us of our magnificence and infinite possibilities that is always waiting to manifest through our next thought… – Mariko

David Cameron is a very new subscriber to the R Market Daily. I am very honored to have him as both a subscriber and contributing author. To see why, check out his ImagesOfOne web site. I really cannot say enough about Davids article Goals and Visions today. It floored me the first time I read it. Hope you find it as inspiring and motivating as I did. I would love to sit down with this man and discuss philosophy and psychology till the wee hours of the morning. Too bad he lives in Australia! – John Botscharow

I was hungry. My pockets were empty just as I was. I sat there on the couch contemplating truth, I knew I was not going to go hungry, my kids were gone for the weekend. It was just me and I had nothing but time… I sat there in silence saying now what? A knock at the door came- I got up and answered it . It was the Pizza Man and He dropped by to see if I wanted a free Pizza, He recalled being at the house some time ago and had a mistake in the area. Thank you for letting me share. JULIE RUMBARGER – Julie Rumbarger

Anyway, ordered his product (since he was raving about Happy Pocket) and read it first. Awesome! Inspiring. Amazing how one book can open up a whole new world. Thanks. – John Huver

I, as others, am truly blown away by the complete and comprehensive TRUTHS that are in your books, seeming to encompass all of my study over the past 40 plus years!…So far, all of the rest of what you have written in this first book (Happy Pocket is next on my list, and I saw somewhere it is an expansion of the one I am reading now) is a very succinct and wonderful explanation of all of the principles I have been learning over the past 20-30-40 years! I hope more and more readers will become open to these understandings. – Jannette Robert Murray

I cannot express my gratitude enough for your most generous offer. Thank you sooo much. What a wonderful gesture!!! I am truly touched!!!  What you teach is so true – what goes around comes around!!! I had been in denial about everything for so long :- ( and just a few short months ago I started turning my life around thanks to you, Bob Doyle (where I orignally found out about your website and wonderful materials!!) a wonderful Medical Intuitive, and an equally wonderful Energetic Healer. I started doing forgiveness work and really reading your work and articles. Watch out world here comes the new Val!!! – Val Sherman

I have been a little cynical lately about all of the personal and mind development. The reason was that after going to seminars, reading books, lessening to tapes, etc. I was getting a little bit disappointed to keep hearing over and over again the same think: You can do and have anything you like… or I went from bankrupt to millionaire in one year…. How? Nobody would tell you the step-by-step of how this things work or how they did it step-by-step. David Cameron is the first author who explains step-by-step how all works in a simple manner. He must be a natural teacher. I could not put the book down although some things I read I would need to read it again as they sound to extraordinaire to me. Thank you again for writing such a nice and simple book but with such depth. … I spend till 5am going through everything. I felt like an sponge. I wanted to absorb everything. – Maria Schmolmueller

Love your newsletter articles. They are actually like a coaching pep talk! The principles are not new to me, but I like the angle that you take, like in the recent article on Michael Jacksons success. I always feel energized after reading your article and just wanted to take a minute to write you and tell you so. Your articles have helped me to decide to take the next step into a higher position here at my job. I have been told that I could move into the next opening as a case manager and now I have decided to take advantage of some mentoring opportunities available now and start preparing for that move up. – Sandi Clark

I have bought your latest eBook: What If You Knew The Answer To and the Reason For Everything In Your Life? AWESOME! POWERFUL! my friend… This eBook and its understanding is a quantum leap into a New Life for all mankind. David Thank You for sharing the Kaleidoscopic side of Truth. You have brought a shining Light into humanitys pilgrimage here on earth. You have made the pieces of the puzzle of consciousness fit beautifully together with harmony. Keep up the good work David: Peace… – Joel Bomane

THANK YOU for the gve me some exttremely pertinent spiritual info that I had been searching for and NEVER expected to find in the Diet Liberator!THANK YOU! – Maggie


In all seriousness, I am well read in the areas David writes about. But I have never found any resource or book that lays things out the way his do. EVERYONE should read this stuff! It gives one a whole new perspective on life, success, love, and the world. There is not a day that goes by I do not read several pages and review the material. Thank you for your insights and the work you are doing. David, I cannot get enough of your material. It is evident we have read the same books, have had the same questions, but you have explored things in more depth than I did. CUDOS to you! Love this info…I EAT it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would love to live close to you to be able to have some trully in-depth conversations. Most people I speak with have either no interest or its over their head. I could explore this stuff forever…. The material is very profound, life altering. Imagine if just 10% of the population took these teachings and concepts to heart…what a difference the world would be, huh? All the best, Dave Mullins. – Dave Mullins

Life has shown be the darkness and dangers that exist; yet my heart has shown me the Truth. Our hearts have the power to heal, manifest, and create. True joy exists through true vision; and the lens has to be clean. Simple; yet magical! Images Of One guilds you to what you truly desire. They are translators of the Truth. – Fis

Thank You, I will keep as much of the information intact, but in time I shall make it my lifes journey to never stop learning a little more each day. You have awakened something I thought I had lost forever. Sincerely, – Robert ENERGY Ramirez

Mr. Cameron Once again your energy has convinced me to always keep an open and a optimistic outlook; what I would appreciate knowing is your knowledge from literature via holy scriptures or applied and proven results, understanding this will further my knowledge, please help me learn it so I can apply it positively in my journey forward towards another day. Your pupil robram11. Thanx. – Roberto Ramirez

Thank you …Mr Cameron and all associates; Since reading the first article that was emailed a few months ago, has more than just stirred the pot but kicked it off the proverbiale table and for this, I owe my rapid growth. Sincerely robram11. The essence of all we are and do is not only a step towards true acceptance & possibilities, thank you for opening the door to my. – Roberto Ramirez

I am finding that each day I read my IMAGES OF ONE newsletter it reinforces my belief in myself as a part of the wonderful web of existance in which we all belong as well as in the amazing power of letting go, as in Let GO Let God. There is a saying that goes something like this, when the student is ready the teacher will appear and so much amazingly powerful spiritual growth material is flowing into my life. I find that David Cameron has the ability to present material in a way that allows me to often make sense of something that I have previously read and puzzled over. Each new understanding is a great gift, thank you David. – Robin Boyer

Wow! I cannot say enough about your books. I truly believe the saying that when you are ready for the teacher, he will appear. The teacher has appeared as you Mr. Cameron. I have been reading New Thoughts books for months now and was missing something in all of them. Before positive affirmations can work, there has to be an underlying belief system that will be the foundation for them. You have helped me see this and I am so greatful. Actually, I was beginning to get really discouraged with the whole New Thought philosophy…but now that I understand what you are saying, it all makes sense. Thank you so very much. May Gods richest blessing continue to be your portion. I just bought your software program and cant wait for its release. – Rod Spain

Dear David, from the very first time that I read your words, there was an effect of security and sense, whose unique combination and depth I had not experienced before. Your loving outlook and your wish to spread your wisdom are perpetually impressing me. Keep your work coming. It is much appreciated. The books and software I have from you are being treasured. The contents, although they do not mention God often, adhere to the scriptures in principle; their effect is power- gain and achievement, great companions to have in any endeavor. – Ina Bliss

David Cameron expresses this most profound wisdom/knowledge/teaching better than anyone writing today. My sincere thanks. – Rifon

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